I belong to a group on Flickr called Get Pushed, in which you are assigned a random "push partner", who checks out your photostream and tries to challenge you to shoot a photo that is out of your comfort zone or which requires you to be creative. I was challenged to
display an emotion but was restricted from purely "happy" or "sad". Considering the circumstances (felt bad that day, my submission was a day late, and I set up, shot, and edited the photo in less than 30 minutes), I thought it turned out really well and I got a lot of positive comments on it...and even two favorites! So that prompted me to post a few of my favorite black and whites from my photostream. You can see all my black and whites in this Flickr set.
This is my Push submission referred to above. You can view it larger by clicking here. |
Okay, so this one's not true black and white, but I included it in my set because it was monochromatic enough to pass for black and white. There are one or two others that fall under this classification. I love this one, though; it's a Brownie camera from the 40's that belonged to my uncle. I am playing around with TTV photography with it. |
This is one of my favorites. This was taken while it was still quite light outside, but because of how far in I was zoomed on the bird, it appeared to be much darker. I am thrilled at how it turned out, and this one has the most views in my photostream (although not the most favorites.) |
This was actually taken on my iPhone and processed with Instagram (who incidentally has discontinued this filter; I believe it was Apollo). I was sitting at the tracks waiting for the train to pass. I love how the clouds turned out. |