This is actually for my Macro Mondays challenge for this Monday, May 9. The subject was "Science". I had this idea, since I am an artist and I also work in a lab, to go with a theme relating arts & crafts to science.

"Artistic Science...Or, Scientific Art?"

click to view larger for much better detail!

The red solution (actually just corn syrup, flour, and coloring) turns into red beads as they fall into an Erlenmeyer flask. The fluid isn't actually supposed to be blood - I liked the bright red of the beads and colored the solution accordingly. Everything is real and photographed by me, even the droplets and hovering beads. Ah, the wonders of Photoshop!

From left to right, the items are:
  • antique gray jewelry seed beads
  • shells
  • sewing pins
  • copper colored pearlescent pigment
  • assortment of red beads, rhinestones, and buttons
  • sequins
  • blue jewelry beads
  • green heart confetti
The original was a wider shot; the submission for the challenge was a slightly modified version, cropped in closer to make it more "macro-applicable".

click to view larger